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Your Partner for Metalforming

            for complex three-dimensional shapes                     for various three-dimensional products                        for round varieties of shapes                           resource-saving – quick – tubular
            forming process deep-drawing                             forming process hydroforming                                  forming process spinning                                forming process flow forming
                                                                                                                                   shear forming

                                        Product for                    Product for                                                                  Product for                                                               Product for
                                        medical                        aerospace industry                                                           sanitary industry                                                         petrochemical
                                        technology                                                                                                                                                                            industry
                                                                                                                                                                                             Product for
                                                                                                                                                                                             pressure vessels
                                                                                                                                                     Product for
                                                                                                                                                     space technology

                Product for             Product for                   Product for                Product for                              Product for
                railway industry        medical technology            railway industry           railway industry                         medical technology                                                    Product for aviation industry

            Deep-drawing is a manufacturing process in which a cut to  In comparison to conventional processes the shaping options  Spinning is an innovative forming technology for the   Flow forming is an innovative forming technology of
            size even plate is placed into a tooling and is pressed into  are significantly extended with hydroforming. The inventive  production of seamless sheet metal parts.           seamless, tubular components.
            a new form.                                              contrast to conventional technologies is the fluid forming    It is performed on machines which are built similar to lathes.  Thus a long thin-walled tube, which is being characterized by
                                                                     instead of the use of a punch.                                Instead of a chuck the spinning tool is fixed. In place of a  an improved surface and a very high precision is being
            Advantages are i. a. constant reproducible production quality,
                                                                                                                                   cutter a spinning roll is installed.                    produced of a short thick-walled tube.
            after approval short processing times and nearly constant wall  Advantages are i. a. short development and delivery times
            thickness.                                               from CAD-model up to the first sample, constant reproducible  Advantages in comparison to conventional methods i. a.  Advantages in comparison to conventional methods i. a. are
                                                                     production quality, excellent surface qualities due to unilateral  are extremely well inner surfaces, high dimensional  extremely well inner surfaces, an optimal grain structure and
            Processible materials i. a.: stainless steels,
                                                                     tooling contact and a constant wall thickness progression     accuracy grades of parts, an optimal grain structure and  the manufacturing of parts with integrated flange.
            e.g. 304 / 316 /..., aluminium and aluminium alloys,
                                                                     over the cross section of the part.                           the possibility of conical / weaned wall thicknesses.   A very high diameter-to-length ratio is possible as well as
            steel sheets, heat-treatable steels and other materials.                                                                                                                       significantly enhanced mechanical properties.
                                                                                                                                   Processible materials i. a.:
                                                                     Processible materials i. a.: stainless steels,
                                                                                                                                   304 / 316 /... steel sheets, nickel and nickel alloys,  Processible materials i. a.:
            deep-drawing parts up to 4.500 x 2.500 mm                e.g. 304 / 316  /... , aluminium and aluminium alloys,        tantalum, zircon, niobium and other materials.          304 / 316 / 310 /... , 15-5PH, 17-4PH, steel sheets, nickel
            draft depth up to 600 mm                                 steel sheets, fine grained steels and other materials.
            pressure force up to 2.500 t                                                                                                                                                   and nickel alloys, titanium and titanium alloys, tantalum,
                                                                                                                                                                                           zircon, niobium and other materials.
                                                                                                                                   round hollow bodies up to 5.000 mm diameter
                                                                     table dimension up to 1.300 x 2.000 mm
                                                                     draft depth up to 600 mm                                      wall thickness up to 30 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                           round hollow bodies  Ø 25 – 650 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                           lenghts up to 6.500 mm  ·  wall thickness 0,15 – 20 mm
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